banned books, lol wut?

No book should be banned, taboo topic, stupid idea, I don’t care. It is a work of art and the author deserves to publish what they want. Hell, if it was really that bad or that terrible of a book, would it really attract that much attention? 

The great diffe…

The great difference between the recognized man and the respected man is the difference of the head and heart. The recognized man appeals to the head where things are easily forgotten. The respected man captivates the heart. And the heart does not forget.

Thoughts after midnight

The first time I posted this the computer totally got rid of the body of my post. FML. I hope you get the essence of my thoughts.


Poetry. Write what you want. This lady, Eavan Boland from Stanford University, wrote about her period and she is considered to be at the forefront of contemporary poetry. With poetry you can keep it short and sweet or long and winding, it is completely up to you. BTW, check out Ellen Hopkins. Superb books. To give her work added effect, Hopkins puts her poetry into shapes. The flow of the poetry corresponds with the shape and your mind connects more and more with that of her characters.


How to show them what you see
How to find yourself
How to grow up
How to be honest

Take a leap,
and stick the landing.

I quit, Ohio.

Patience is a virtue in this state.

Forecast: High of 57, Low of 41, with a chance of snow.

Wake up 7 hours later and the ground is covered in a thickening layer of white fluff.

I thought winter was over.

I left my boots at home.

Will summer ever get here?

It is March 21st and it is snowing.

I’m done.

Pleasant ingorance

It’s little things like this that open my mind to things that I never would have thought about.



If this phrase hasn’t been coined, I’m coining it right now.
Definition: being so into the ‘pleasant’ now, that you ‘ignore’ the effects of later.
Imagine all of your firsts.
I’m sure you thought of your first word, step, kiss, love, achievement, and dance.
Did you think of your first broken arm, detention, lost friendship, or heart break?
It’s pleasant ignorance.

When kissing your first love you don’t think of your first break up.
Humans tend to look on the bright side. It’s ignoring the dim side, right? Right.

Our firsts hold so much more meaning than the lasts. That’s why no one ever says “when did you take your last steps?” Because lasts are generally bad. Last breath, last words, last smile.
But remember to not get stuck on firsts or lasts.
Always look forward to next.

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